Thursday, December 5, 2019

Bullseye iOS App Using SwiftUI

This was my first mobile app, created with SwiftUI in Xcode.
The code was mostly based a tutorial from
I made some modifications to make it look nicer and print more descriptive messages.

The opening screen.

A perfect guess earns 100 points.

A close guess (off by one) earns 50 bonus points.

All guesses earn the difference between 100 subtract the difference from the correct guess.

Bad guesses earn snarky comments as well.

The about screen shares more info about the app.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bees Project in JavaScript

Bees project for CS 6011: Object-Oriented Programming.
The graphics were created using JavaScript and HTML.

Because of University restrictions, I am only allowed to share this code privately.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Synthesizer Project in JavaFX

Synthesizer project for CS 6011: Object-Oriented Programming.
The sounds were created by using math formulas and bit manipulation.
The graphics were created with JavaFX.

Phase one - fully functional sliders.

Because of University restrictions, I am only allowed to share this code privately.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Connect Four in C++

The classic children's game Connect Four written in C++ using SFML and Xcode.
Final project for CS 6010: Introduction to Programming.
Written with Andrew Woodruff.

The code for this project can be viewed HERE.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Connect Four in Python

The classic children's game Connect Four written in Python using PyCharm.
This was my first Python project, which took about 4 hours to complete.
Snapshots taken while playing from the command line.

The code for this project can be viewed HERE.